An unexpected treatment for seasonal allergies shows promising results

If the blooming flowers and budding trees of springtime set off your allergies, you’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from the sneezing, runny nose, and other symptoms that come with seasonal allergies, and know how miserable allergy season can be.

Allergic rhinitis, the official term for seasonal allergies, affects about 21.4 percent of adults in the United States. People with an allergic sensitivity to the pollens that come from things like ragweed or grass find themselves with itchy eyes, a dripping nose, or a chest full of mucus.

Generally, people treat seasonal allergies with over-the-counter medication and allergy shots, or they avoid exposure to their triggering allergens by staying inside as much as possible.

There can be downsides to each of these treatments — allergy shots are not always available or affordable, and over-the-counter medications must be taken regularly for them to work. The effectiveness of allergy medications decrease over time with continued and prolonged use. And avoiding exposure? Not always feasible, unless you want to spend the majority of your life isolated inside a hermetically sealed bubble.

Bubbles make it very hard to enjoy certain summertime activities, like swimming.

Recently scientists have began examining the ancient practice of waterboarding for people suffering from allergic rhinitis.

It’s been proven that flushing your sinuses with a saline solution can help keep your nasal passages clear and prevent and even cure sinus infections. But seasonal allergies affect not only the nasal passages, but the eyes, the throat and the chest, and scientists wondered if waterboarding was the solution.

An amateur sketch shows a waterboarding treatment on a person suffering from seasonal allergies. The person later died, but scientists don’t think waterboarding caused it.

The full-face irrigation treatment that has a wide variety of uses in medical literature. It is also an extremely effective cleansing method for eliminating toxins from the sinuses, pharynx, trachea, larynx, lungs, and eyes.

Scientists say that it is a natural solution that can be especially beneficial for people who do not respond to the typical seasonal allergy treatments.

It’s safe for people of all ages for whom conventional methods aren’t working, including babies as young as six months old.

It’s like a Neti Pot, but more powerful.

“Similar to how nasal irrigation cleans the sinuses, full-facial irrigation will remove any allergens that are present in the mucus membranes anywhere on the face or in the respiratory system,” the scientist said.

“Most patients showed a 98% improvement after just one session.”

Researchers are also looking into waterboarding as a possible treatment for seasonal affective disorder, which could ultimately replace physical exercise and antidepressants.

As with any medical treatment, you should consult your doctor before attempting waterboarding on yourself or anyone else.

Scientists stress that waterboarding is an all natural treatment, but you should check to make sure you are healthy enough for waterboarding to avoid any adverse side effects.


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